Monday, January 01, 2007

Where is Ricky Bobby?

So I finally got some time to play with my new PS3. It's pretty slick looking with a black finish and a touch of chrome. Just like how I'll order my Escalade...

I have one game for it and it's quite difficult to play. NBA 2K7 will be a good waste of time as it is quite deep. There is a "street mode" as well, so it's not just going through a NBA season, or picking interesting teams to play each other. Of course, everyone is talking about Resistance: Fall of Man.

I quickly get setup and go to the PlayStation Store. Download the GT: HD demo since it might be a limited time deal. It was a Christmas present from Sony and Polyphony Digital. The game looks great, but I'm going to wait and set up my Logitech DFPro wheel to get the full experience. The target lap times are easy enough that I can still get all ten cars (and ten tuners) with the "slower" wheel input. I wonder if I'll get faster than the regular controller?

I also get Genji (eh, ok - great visuals, decent game play, just button mashing), Formula 1 (awesome!) and Go! Sodoku for Wendy to play with. Got Motorstorm demo as well, no longer have to play it at Target and Best Buy.

But where is Ricky?!?!

The first 500,000 units are supposed to have a Blu-Ray disc of this movie. I did not get said disc. I know Sony hasn't sold 500k of these things, so what's up?!

I guess I'll have to ask Best Buy or Sony about this.


1 comment:

D. said...

You got robbed. Return it ;)